About Sharks
Sharks Basketball Academy aims to provide all players with the essential skills to succeed in life and athletics by reinforcing work ethic, teamwork, responsibility, and accountability. We pride ourselves on providing a fun, safe, and competitive atmosphere for all those interested in taking their basketball skills to the next level.
So Why the Sharks?
There’s a reason why so many of our former players come back to coach in the program. Our system of coaching serves to help all players reach their potential. Players come to the Sharks Basketball Academy, and their confidence is brought out through the game of basketball. Seeing that as a coach is powerful. Three words to describe our staff:

Whether it’s an entry-level player or someone looking to play college basketball, we find a place for them in Sharks. After 20 years of successful seasons of coaching, we believe that our ability to communicate with the players is what sets us apart from other programs. Being able to adjust our coaching styles to the large spectrum of basketball ability is what makes our staff special.
During the COVID outbreak, we did our best to continue playing as much basketball as possible. We understand that our program provides a valuable outlet in the social and physical lives of our players. While continuing to take measures to keep players and their families safe, we had successful seasons through a harsh environment for running a basketball program.

Our staff looks back on that time with great pride. It was the most difficult time to coach basketball. We asked a lot from ourselves, our players, and their families. However, we were able to deliver. Even if it was for only a couple of practices a week and games on the weekend, we were able to give our players an escape from the chaotic outside world. We knew how important that time would be for them. That matters to us.